if you want imam Nikkah Ceremony in Turkey…
Please contact us
[email protected]
Muslim Wedding Planner WhatsApp +90 535 712 78 23
- Included
- imam Nikkah Ceremony Planning
- Ceremony İmam Celebrant
- Bridal Flower for Bride
* İmam Nikkah Wedding CEREMONY at Mosque
1.Wedding Wedding imam will bring to
2.imam Nikkah Wedding ceremony venue for imam Nikkah marriage
3.İmam Nikkah Ceremoni Timing Planning
3.Transfer from Hotel to Mosque for Bride and Groom
Muslim marriage and Islamic wedding customs are traditions and practices that relate to wedding ceremonies and marriage rituals prevailing within the Muslim world. Participants in these rites belong to communities of people who have Islam as their faith.
Muslim Wedding Planning Service
Wedding Group Turkey
Global Consulting&Marketing
Wedding Media Organization,PR
Nişantaşı İstanbul Turkey
Mobil Tel : +90 535 712 78 23 WhatsApp
+90 532 385 10 52
+90 212 337 57 36
Asraf Erally
Asalamoualaikum, I am planning to get my nikaah done in September 2021 in Istanbul Turkey, I would like to know what documents I need to be able to perfrom nikaah? I am not interested in civil wedding juts nikaah. I will be waiting for your prompt reply 🙂